A delightfully off-beat Francophile animation exudes class and nostalgia in its heartfelt tale of a friendship between a sassy singer, a projectionist, and a giant flea(!) in turn-of-the-century Paris. Adorned with a gorgeous…
A triumph of craft and narrative sophistication, this is an epic, supremely imaginative feature from master animator/storyteller Miyazaki that will enthral children of all ages, and both sexes, over its two hour running time.
Animation visionary Hayao Miyazaki gets to fully unlock his boundless imagination through the otherworldly adventures of an innocent young girl that immediately recalls “Alice in Wonderland”, yet is distinctly Japanese in flavour and…
A grand ol' Irish tale about two gypsy boys who 'steal' back a majestic white mare and take off into the wild green yonder. Magical, sensitively-handled film will warm the cockles of your heart.