John-Paul Foliaki leads a lovable ensemble cast in this joyous, uplifting comedy set in the Tongan community of Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara during the Rugby World Cup of 2011.
It tells the improbable-but-true story of a rag-tag bunch of…
A full-frontal body and sex-positive farce performed entirely in a made-up “gibberish” language (and then subtitled later by British comic genius Julia Davis), and featuring astonishing scenes of self-sacrifice, this is hands down the…
Madeleine Sami and Jackie Van Beek write, direct and star in this frisky and flat-out hilarious Kiwi comedy as heart-burned pals who form a small-time business that breaks up couples for cash.
Full of inventive and subtle subversions…
A feel-good comic misadventure in which a rebellious city kid and his reluctant foster uncle become subjects of a manhunt after they "go bush" in the New Zealand wild.
As with BOY, director Taika Waititi fosters another priceless…
A feel-good comic misadventure in which a rebellious city kid and his reluctant foster uncle become subjects of a manhunt after they "go bush" in the New Zealand wild.
As with BOY, director Taika Waititi fosters another priceless…