Philip Baker Hall
Secret Honor (1984)
- Dir. Robert Altman
Feat. Philip Baker Hall
- A fictionalized monologue adapted from the stage by playwrights Donald Freed and Arnold M. Stone, with the great Philip Baker Hall as former…
Hard Eight (Sydney) (1996)
- Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
Feat. Philip Baker Hall, John C. Reilly, Gwyneth Paltrow…
- Cucumber–cool first feature set in the thick of Reno's casino culture, boasts four superb character–based performances and extended…
Insider, The (1999)
- Dir. Michael Mann
Feat. Russell Crowe, Al Pacino, Christopher Plummer…
- A brooding masterpiece from dir. Mann (HEAT), who finally wrestles down a topic of sufficient weight to justify the peerless brilliance of his…
Magnolia (2000)
- Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
Feat. Tom Cruise, Jason Robards Jr., William H. Macy…
- A sprawling, stylistically–impressive but moribund domestic melodrama about Californian amorality and redemption (of sorts), with interleaved…
Sum of All Fears, The (2002)
- Dir. Phillip Alden Anderson
Feat. Ben Affleck, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall
- A nightmarish post–9/11 thriller from Tom Clancy, with Ben Affleck taking the place of Harrison Ford as CIA–man Jack Ryan, here hunting…
Dogville (2003)
- Dir. Lars Von Trier
Feat. Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Lauren Bacall…
- This fierce parable of hypocrisy, exploitation and revenge set on a “soundstage” version of 1930s America is a brilliant conception of dir. Lars…
In Good Company (2004)
- Dir. Paul Weitz
Feat. Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, Scarlett Johansson…
- Grappling with the personal dynamics and conflicts of corporate culture in a marketing department, this has a youthful upstart (Grace) promoted over…
Matador, The (2005)
- Dir. Richard Shepard
Feat. Pierce Brosnan, Greg Kinnear, Hope Davis…
- Deftly–toned comedy tracks the chance meeting in Mexico City of a sleazy, aging hitman (Brosnan) and a struggling dotcom consultant (Kinnear),…
All Good Things (2010)
- Dir. Andrew Jarecki
Feat. Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Frank Langella…
- Bizarre account of a notorious unsolved murder with Ryan Gosling as an eccentric business heir who's wife mysteriously disappears in the…
Mr. Popper's Penguins (2011)
- Dir. Mark Waters
Feat. Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino, Angela Lansbury…
- Jim Carrey grins and bears his way through this good–natured animal farce, about a businessman who inherits six penguins, and promptly…