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dr.strangelove’s Film Reviews

About me: My favorite directors are Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton and Wes Anderson.

215 Films have been rated or reviewed by dr.strangelove.

Inglourious BasterdsInglourious Basterds (Inglorious Bastards) (2009)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional)
Killer's KissKiller's Kiss (1955)
3 stars (Good Enough) Killer\'s Kiss has an uninspired plot and is weakly acted, however the film is beautifully shot, and as an artifact of Kubrick\'s career it is amazing.
MegamindMegamind (2010)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) A unique and genuinely hilarious animated film that Would almost rival pixar, if it wasn\'t for the awful final scene. The dance sequence, set to \'bad,\' undermines the emotion created in the rest of the film.
ScreamScream (1996)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) Excellently enjoyable horror movie that manages to be both scary and subtly hilarious, while also boasting a solid whodunnit aspect.
RashomonRashomon (1951)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Perfect storytelling aided by beautifully visuals.
New World, TheNew World, The (2006)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Focusing mainly on inducing awe through visuals and soundtrack, this fully immerses the viewer in the natural America.
DVD $20 $15
Scott Pilgrim Vs The WorldScott Pilgrim Vs The World (2010)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Manages to be both an excellent zombie movie and an excellent comedy.
Hot FuzzHot Fuzz (2007)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) Manages to be both an excellent zombie movie and an excellent comedy.
Shaun of the DeadShaun of the Dead (2004)Recommended
5 stars (Exceptional) Manages to be both an excellent zombie movie and an excellent comedy.
Stardust MemoriesStardust Memories (1980)
5 stars (Exceptional) Excellent, one of Allen's best. Somewhat surreal, without warning it switches to flashbacks and fantasies.

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