The Oxblow Incident’s Film Reviews
15 Films have been rated or reviewed by The Oxblow Incident.
- Hardcore Henry (2015)
- Like watching a video game trailer that goes for 96 minutes...
- Annihilation (2018)
- Recommended to all lovers of sci–fi, though if you're interested in the ecological themes and crave more depth, detail and imagination, skip this and read the book.
- Twin Peaks (TV Series) (Twin Peaks: A Limited Event Series, Twin Peaks: The Return) (2017)
- Unimaginably weird, the most uncompromising and unlikely TV since BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ.
- Whisperer in Darkness, The (2011)
- Made with craft.
- Skeptics - Sheen of Gold (2013)
- Their infamous AFFCO music video is actually the least interesting thing about this band and their catalogue of profoundly moving post–punk experiments!
- Open Season (2006)
- Hipsters take note: great soundtrack by Paul Westerberg!
- Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)
- Very grey, and quite irrelevant to the experiences and views of actual BDSM practitioners – and everyone else, ever?!
- Leviathan (2013)
- Bleak gothic masterpiece is a spiritual relative of MOBY DICK and lives up to it's name – translatable as a twisted sea–monster of undefinable shape.
- Kenneth Anger's Magick Lantern Cycle Vol. 3 (1949-1965)
- Scorpio Rising is a surprisingly joyful montage of religious, fetishist and motorcyclist imagery with a rockabilly score full of beloved 50's dance hits! Not to downplay the politics, but this would make a fun party backdrop.
- Grendel Grendel Grendel (1981)
- Delightful cult animation provides a subversive re–telling of JRR Tolkien's favourite Scandi epic!