Brad Pitt
Cutting Class (1989)
- Dir. Rospo Pallenberg
Feat. Brad Pitt, Donovan Leitch, Jill Schoelen…
- Late–80s, high–school set slasher that (semi–)parodies the genre is best known for featuring a young Brad Pitt. While mediocre as a…
Thelma and Louise (1990)
- Dir. Ridley Scott
Feat. Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel…
- Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon take action and escape their housebound repression in a T–Bird, but discover the road to freedom is littered…
Across the Tracks (1990)
- Dir. Sandy Tung
Feat. Brad Pitt, Rick Schroder, Carrie Snodgrass
- Two brothers, one recently released from reform school, the other an all–star runner, must learn to deal with each other again when they…
Johnny Suede (1991)
- Dir. Tom DiCillo
Feat. Brad Pitt, Nick Cave
- Brad Pitt is priceless as a naive, super–quiffed romantic who dreams of basking in the limelight of rock idoldom. This small gem underscores…
River Runs Through It, A (1992)
- Dir. Robert Redford
Feat. Brad Pitt, Craig Sheffer
- Redford's pleasant wade through Norman MacLean's autobiography about two fly–fishing brothers (Brad Pitt and Craig Sheffer) whose lives take…
Cool World (1992)
- Dir. Ralph Bakshi
Feat. Brad Pitt, Kim Basinger, Gabriel Byrne
- Cartoonist Gabriel Byrne is seduced into the animated world of his sexy creation in this dense, saucy amalgam of live–action and animation for…
Kalifornia (1993)
- Dir. Dominic Sena
Feat. Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis, David Duchovny…
- Crime–movie–on–wheels that rises above its fashionably glossy veneer with a script and performances that progressively whitens the…
True Romance (1993)
- Dir. Tony Scott
Feat. Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Gary Oldman…
- Precocious, ultra–violent black comedy from the pen of Tarantino in which comic–book–nerd Christian Slater transforms into…
Legends of the Fall (1994)
- Dir. Edward Zwick
Feat. Brad Pitt, Aidan Quinn, Henry Thomas…
- American folk melodrama spans the decade around World War I in which the three sons of righteous patriarch Anthony Hopkins become divided over the…
Interview With the Vampire (1994)
- Dir. Neil Jordan
Feat. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Kirsten Dunst
- Tom Cruise rises to the much–touted role of Vampire Lestat, Brad Pitt invigorates the lifeless Louis, and Kirsten Dunst gives a child…
Seven (Se7en) (1995)
- Dir. David Fincher
Feat. Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow…
- Director David Fincher imbues the hackneyed serial–killer genre with astonishing directorial flair, while bringing an influential 'underground'…
Twelve Monkeys (12 Monkeys) (1996)
- Dir. Terry Gilliam
Feat. Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Madeleine Stowe
- Ingenious time–travel epic is a long overdue shot in the arm to the sci–fi genre. Terry Gilliam (BRAZIL) notches up another beautiful and…
Sleepers (1996)
- Dir. Barry Levinson
Feat. Robert De Niro, Brad Pitt, Dustin Hoffman
- Based on a purportedly fact–based novel by Lorenzo Carcaterra, a disastrous prank lands four schoolboys in a borstal where they suffer…
Devil's Own, The (1997)
- Dir. Alan J. Pakula
Feat. Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt
- Sensitive cop Harrison Ford discovers his befriended border (Brad Pitt) has devout connections to the IRA. Moral conundrums ensue as Ford wrestles…
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
- Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud
Feat. Brad Pitt, David Thewlis
- On the eve of WWII, Austrian nationalist Heinrich Harrer (Brad Pitt) embarks on a mountain–climbing odyssey in the Himalayas, where he is…
Meet Joe Black (1998)
- Dir. Martin Brest
Feat. Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins
- Oddly original premise (actually, updated from 1934's Death Takes A Holiday), drawn out as a loopy ponder on matters of life and death.
Rests on a…
Fight Club (1999)
- Dir. David Fincher
Feat. Edward Norton, Brad Pitt
- Those grim forebodings of the pre–millennial zeitgeist form a backdrop to this flawed but thoroughly unique thriller–satire.
Snatch (2000)
- Dir. Guy Ritchie
Feat. Dennis Farina, Brad Pitt, Benicio Del Toro…
- A LOCK STOCK knock–off by 'im–who–knows–best: the director himself, Guy Ritchie. Like its predecessor, this cockney…
Mexican, The (2000)
- Dir. Gore Verbinski
Feat. Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini
- Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts entangle in this offbeat comic–thriller, with Pitt fulfilling a criminal contract in Mexico and James Gandolfini…
Ocean's Eleven (Ocean's 11) (2001)
- Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Feat. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts…
- Remodelling the not–so–great ‘Rat Pack’ original from 1960, dir. Soderbergh slickens his heist thriller with a spot–on sense of…
Spy Game (2001)
- Dir. Tony Scott
Feat. Brad Pitt, Robert Redford, Catherine McCormack
- King–of–flash, dir. Scott (TOP GUN) contrives a drama around super–spy Robert Redford’s last day on the job, having to rescue…
Full Frontal (2002)
- Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Feat. Julia Roberts, Catherine Keener, David Duchovny…
- Director Stephen Soderbergh calls on the favours of famous friends for a makeshift, semi–improvised poke at the film industry that only a…
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)
- Dir. Patrick Gilmore, Tim Johnson
Feat. Brad Pitt, Michelle Pfeiffer, Catherine Zeta-Jones
- A traditionally–animated high sea adventure in which young rogue pirate Sinbad must cutlace his way out of the fine mess cooked up by the…
Troy (2004)
- Dir. Wolfgang Petersen
Feat. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom…
- Homer's epic is cranked up to full fury in this Hollywood CGI–ed adaptation, depicting the seige of Troy by the vengeful Greek army and the…
Ocean's Twelve (Ocean's 12) (2004)
- Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Feat. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon…
- Virtually the entire attractive 'ratpack' of the OCEAN'S ELEVEN remake regroup for a further spin of the heist–comedy wheel, this time on the…
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
- Dir. Doug Liman
Feat. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn
- Propelled by a nicely preposterous premise this action–comedy has bored suburban couple Pitt and Jolie both leading double–lives as…
Babel (2006)
- Dir. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Feat. Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Gael Garcia Bernal…
- A bold, virtuoso three–peat for the writer–director team behind AMORES PERROS and 21 GRAMS, grafting a biblical parable of ill…
Ocean's Thirteen (Ocean's 13) (2007)
- Dir. Steven Soderbergh
Feat. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon…
- Another high–rolling casino caper from ringmaster Soderbergh, this third flutter on the heist franchise retains his original debonair cast in a…
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The (2007)
- Dir. Andrew Dominik
Feat. Brad Pitt, Casey Affleck, Sam Rockwell…
- A haunting, psychoanalytical western, revisionist in its interpretation of the relationship between outlaw Jesse James, and his eventual killer,…
Burn After Reading (2008)
- Dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Feat. George Clooney, Frances McDormand, Brad Pitt…
- Appealing 'dunderhead' comedy from the Coen Brothers that plots an elaborate caper for its A–list ensemble cast, who relish the chance to…