Marilyn Monroe
Love Happy (1949)
- Dir. David Miller
Feat. Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Marilyn Monroe
- Final Marx Bros. comedy, is a downbeat entry, with a brief scene with Marilyn Monroe.
Ladies of the Chorus (1949)
- Dir. Phil Karlson
Feat. Marilyn Monroe
- Modest musical burlesque has the distinction of giving Marilyn Monroe her first sizeable role.
All About Eve (1950)
- Dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Feat. Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders…
- Bette Davis is in her element as ageing Broadway star Margot Channing, under threat of the hidden menace of an ambitious young actress. A scathing…
Asphalt Jungle, The (1950)
- Dir. John Huston
Feat. Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhern, Marilyn Monroe
- Brute force and eloquent dishonesty intersect as different walks of low–life are helplessly drawn to the ultimate heist, engineered by German…
Let's Make It Legal (1951)
- Dir. Richard Sale
Feat. Claudette Colbert, Macdonald Carey, Marilyn Monroe
- Marilyn Monroe has an ornamental role in this light ‘divorcee’ comedy.
As Young As You Feel (1951)
- Dir. Harmon Jones
Feat. Marilyn Monroe
- A young Marilyn Monroe has a support role in this affable corporate satire about a printing employee who won’t sit still for retirement. Based on a…
Marilyn Monroe Collection (Bus Stop, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire, Let's Make it Legal, Monkey Business, The Seven Year Itch, Some Like It Hot, There's No Business Like Show Business) (1951-1959)
- Dir. Billy Wilder, Joshua Logan, Otto Preminger
Feat. Marilyn Monroe
- Eight Marilyn classics in a specially–priced box set.
Don't Bother to Knock (1952)
- Dir. Roy Ward Baker
Feat. Marilyn Monroe, Richard Widmark
- Marilyn Monroe in her first leading role plays a psychotic babysitter who lures an unwitting Richard Widmark into her world of delusion.
Monkey Business (1952)
- Dir. Howard Hawks
Feat. Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Charles Coburn…
- Scientist Cary Grant discovers a rejuvenation serum which has screwball side–effects. Stars include the director and writing team – Ben…
Niagara (1952)
- Dir. Henry Hathaway
Feat. Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotten, Jean Peters…
- This bold film provided Marilyn with her first big part, and it's possibly her best. She's a scheming, faithless wife who plots to murder her husband…