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Laurence Olivier


Films to Buy

Richard IIIRichard III (1955)Recommended
Laurence Olivier's third cinematic translation of Shakespeare both as actor and director. His performance borders on high camp as the twisted 15th…
DVD $24.95 $18.70
SpartacusSpartacus (1960)Recommended
First–rate epic details the revolt of the ancient Roman slaves as led by Kirk Douglas in the title role. Production spares little expense but…
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Battle of BritainBattle of Britain (1969)
Michael Caine and Laurence Olivier head an ensemble cast of British old boys for this extravagant re–enactment of the famous aerial battle that…
DVD $20 $15
Bridge Too Far, ABridge Too Far, A (1977)
Perhaps a battle–scene too far for some, but for afficiandos this epic account of an abortive Allied invasion of Holland is sure to provide…
DVD $20 $15

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