Peter Jackson
Director, Actor
Bad Taste (1987)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Peter Jackson
- New Zealand's entry into the splatter comedy genre, shot on consecutive Sundays over a four year period, is among the best ever made. Outrageously…
Meet the Feebles (1990)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Donna Akesten, Stuart Devenie, Mark Hadlow
- "The Muppets meets Blue Velvet in hell" was Fangoria's accurate description of this perversely funny satire featuring an all–puppet cast. From…
Braindead (Dead Alive) (1992)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Timothy Balme, Diana Penalver, Elizabeth Moody
- Local prodigy's magnum opus may well be the last word in zombie film. What begins as a nervous romance for naive young Lionel soon turns into a…
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Melanie Lynskey, Kate Winslet, Sarah Peirse
- Peter Jackson follows his zombie trilogy with this Oscar–nominated tour–de–force based on the Parker–Hulme murders of the…
Forgotten Silver (1995)
- Dir. Costa Botes, Peter Jackson
- Costa Botes and Peter Jackson's elaborate and hilarious hoax on the groundbreaking exploits of Kiwi film–making 'legend', Colin MacKenkie.…
Frighteners, The (1996)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Michael J. Fox, Trini Alvarado, Peter Dobson…
- A big–budget Hollywood hootenanny made in Miramar and starring Lyttleton harbour, this is a must–see for any self–respecting…
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler…
- Monumental fantasy–epic and filmmaking accomplishment for local–boy–made–good Peter Jackson, transmutes the first part of J R…
Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition) (2001)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
Feat. Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler…
- Monumental fantasy–epic and filmmaking accomplishment for local–boy–made–good Peter Jackson, transmutes the first part of J R…
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King) (2001-2003)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
- A set of all three parts of Peter Jackson's monumental adapation of JRR Tolkien's fantasy epic, in their original cinema release versions:
Lord of the Rings - Extended Edition Trilogy Box Set (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King) (2001-2003)
- Dir. Peter Jackson
- All three parts of Peter Jackson's monumental adapation of JRR Tolkien's fantasy epic, in their extended DVD box set versions.