Bernard Hill
Bounty, The (1984)
- Dir. Roger Donaldson
Feat. Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Laurence Olivier…
- Robert Bolt’s (A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS) version of the ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’ tale of Fletcher Christian’s (Mel Gibson) mutiny…
No Surrender (1985)
- Dir. Peter Smith
Feat. Bernard Hill, Michael Angelis, Joanne Whalley…
- Black comedy has the unfortunate Angelis getting himself into some hot water when he takes over the managment of a seedy Liverpool club. From the pen…
Restless Natives (1985)
- Dir. Michael Hoffman
Feat. Vincent Friell, Joe Mullaney, Ned Beatty…
- Two Scottish friends become local folk heroes and tourist attractions when they start holding up tour buses with novelty items.
Bellman and True (1987)
- Dir. Richard Loncraine
Feat. Bernard Hill, Derek Newark, Richard Hope
- From the director of RICHARD III, an intriguing little thriller whose main character, an alcoholic computer expert, is drawn into the world of…
Boys from the Blackstuff (TV Series) (1989)
- Dir. Philip Saville
Feat. Bernard Hill
- Alan Bleasdale's series of plays vividly encapsulates the bleaker side of life in Thatcher's Liverpool.
Beginning with the feature–length…
Mountains of the Moon (1990)
- Dir. Bob Rafelson
Feat. Patrick Bergin, Iain Glen, Richard E. Grant…
- Ambitious saga details the quest of Sir Richard Burton to discover the source of the Nile river. Compelling personal story remains focused amid the…
Madagascar Skin (1995)
- Dir. Chris Newby
Feat. Bernard Hill, John Hannah
- Intimate drama that portrays the unlikely relationship between two outsiders in a remote seaside cottage in South Wales.
Hannah plays a disfigured…
Mill On the Floss (1997)
- Dir. Graham Theakston
Feat. Emily Watson, Bernard Hill
- The incandescent Emily Watson justifies this Masterpiece Theatre version of George Eliot's Victorian novel (considerably simplified), bringing some…
Great Expectations (Mini-series) (1999)
- Dir. Julian Jarrold
Feat. Charlotte Rampling, Ioan Gruffudd, Justine Waddell…
- The Charles Dickens novel, about a young lad's progress into society with the aid of a mysterious benefactor, has already been twice–filmed,…
Criminal, The (1999)
- Dir. Julian Simpson
Feat. Bernard Hill, Stephen Mackintosh, Eddie Izzard…
- Brit–crime without the big flashy style, instead opting for a classic prime–suspect–on–the–run plotline, underworld…