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Hugh Laurie


Films to Rent on DVD

Design For Living / Mrs. Capper's Birthday / What Mad PursuitDesign For Living / Mrs. Capper's Birthday / What Mad Pursuit (The Noel Coward Collection - Disc 3) (1979-1985)
Dir. Philip Saville, Mike Ockrent
Feat. Dandy Nichols, Patricia Hayes, Hugh Laurie
–Design For Living (79') Contrived comedy set in a Paris apartment where a woman and the two men she loves all live together in an awkward…
Alfresco (TV Series)Alfresco (TV Series) (1983-1984)
Dir. Stuart Orme
Feat. Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Ben Elton
A comedy sketch show, intended as ITV's equivalent to Not The Nine O'Clock News, which was currently popular on BBC. Written by Ben Elton, with…
A Bit of Fry and Laurie (TV Series)A Bit of Fry and Laurie (TV Series) (1986-1995)
Feat. Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry
A longrunning and consistently inventive sketch series by British funnymen Hugh Laurie (HOUSE M.D.) and Stephen Fry (WILDE), who manage to outbaffle…
Blackadder 3 (TV Series)Blackadder 3 (TV Series) (1987) Aro Favourite
Dir. Mandie Fletcher
Feat. Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie, Tony Robinson
Classic third series set in England 1760–1815. Six episodes contained on one DVD or two tape volumes: 'Dish and Dishonesty', 'Ink and…
Jeeves and Wooster (TV Series)Jeeves and Wooster (TV Series) (1990-1993) Recommended
Feat. Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie
The novels of P G Wodehouse are brought to life by the talents and comic rapport of Stephen Fry (as butler Jeeves) and Hugh Laurie (as English dandy…
Peter's FriendsPeter's Friends (1992)
Dir. Kenneth Branagh
Feat. Kenneth Branagh, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie
British stiff–upper–lip spin on the BIG CHILL with Kenneth Brannagh and friends. They come across as something of a lacklustre lot,…
Sense and SensibilitySense and Sensibility (1995) Recommended
Dir. Ang Lee
Feat. Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman
It all started here – The Jane Austen Revival, in a witty and engaging take on this classic tale of two sisters, one practical (Emma Thompson),…
Stuart LittleStuart Little (1999)
Dir. Rob Minkoff
Feat. Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, Michael J. Fox
Sophisticated CGI wizardry brings alive E.B White's fluffy, all–American tale of an orphaned mouse adopted by a squeaky–clean couple…
Blackadder - Back and ForthBlackadder - Back and Forth (1999)
Dir. Paul Weiland
Feat. Rowan Atkinson, Tony Robinson, Stephen Fry
The old gang return for a one–off episode, whereby a present–day Lord Blackadder steps into a time–machine for a jaunt back through…
Maybe BabyMaybe Baby (2000)
Dir. Ben Elton
Feat. Hugh Laurie, Joely Richardson, Rowan Atkinson
Brit comic whizz–kid Ben Elton has a crack at the directing whip, adapting his semi–autobiographical novel about infertility;…

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