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Roxy Cinema in Miramar.
USA 2004, 127 minutes
Dir. Clint Eastwood
Rating: [M]
Genres: Drama / Girl-centric
Topics: Sport.
Aroview: Clint Eastwood's straight-ahead drama about a feisty young woman who trains under his grizzled, reluctant coach to become a boxing champion goes through the motions somewhat before finally delivering a knockout.
Adheres to the pure Hollywood formula of the outsider underdog whose determination wins over the odds, this is solid all the way, though its success at the Oscar podium is perhaps attributed to the tragic dimension of the story and Hilary Swank's million dollar performance.
Oscar - Best Picture 2005
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-3 of 3 member reviews.
5 stars (Exceptional) The first successful boxing drama in years, this Eastwood film has all the underdog, against-all-odds emotion of a classic, and brave performances by all cast members - especially Swank, who is entirely convincing, stirring both laughter and tears. ~Tom H
4 stars (Very Good) Maggie is a tenacious spirited woman with and burning ambition to box. When a reluctant former boxing manager, Frankie, agrees to coach her she steadily rises through the ranks. A genuinely touching, knock-out of a film. ~GenXGirl
3 stars (Good Enough) The fight choreography is excellent if not too realistic at times. Hilary Swank could be the real thing - it would be good to see her matched against Michelle Rodriguez. The pathos is milked out of the post boxing scenes and goes on far too long. ~Tubbs
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