JSA: Joint Security Area
Aroview: A Korean military thriller of high repute that opens with a double-killing on the bitterly-tense border between North and South and evolves into an intense investigative melodrama.
A box-office record-breaker in its homeland this enacts a series of interesting twists, edged with melodrama yet driving to more tragic depths than its Hollywood equivalents (eg. A FEW GOOD MEN). Notable also for its smoothly accomplished filmmaking, this derives most power as a glimpse into a uniquely secret powerkeg of international politics.
Incredible Film Fest 2002
Member Reviews
Average rating
(Very Good). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
4 stars (Very Good) A brilliant military thriller complete with building suspense, frenetic action sequences and conspiracy. Chan-Wook Park is undoubtedly one of the best Korean directors this century. ~Tom H
3 stars (Good Enough) The screenplay is intelligent, anti-war, and has some nice satirical touches. ~Tubbs
DVD Features
- 'making of' documentary / featurette
- extra stuff
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