UK 2003, 135 minutes
Dir. Richard Curtis
Rating: [PG]
Genres: Comedy / Romance, Christmas
Feat. Colin Firth, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Laura Linney, Alan Rickman, Billy Bob Thornton, Rowan Atkinson, Bill Nighy
Aroview: Golden-boy comedy writer Richard Curtis assumes directing duties for the first time but mislays the Midas touch he gained from penning “Four Weddings” and “Notting Hill”, though it still laid a golden egg at the box office.
Between no less than nine inter-connected ‘romantic’ scenarios, this insists on whimsy and artifice in lieu of insight into matters of the heart, and over-eggs its comedy and sentiment at every turn. Its few high points belong to Bill Nighy as a cynical old-boy rocker who delights in taking plum shots at the British pop music industry.
Adopt-a-Movie Kindly adopted by Jeannette Lazet
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-3 of 5 member reviews.
4 stars (Very Good) One of the funnier rom-coms around, this is a must-see for fans of Notting Hill, Four Weddings, and Bridget Jones. A huge all-star cast, with interwoven stories and a Christmas theme. ~Tom H
3 stars (Good Enough) Multi-storied Christmas romantic comedy/drama, sure to put you in the festive frame of mind, with an all-star cast. All the right twists and turns to demand your undivided attention. Great the first time, but nothing I'm dying to revisit. ~GenXGirl
5 stars (Exceptional) ~atsophie
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