USA 1975, 186 minutes
Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Genres: Drama
Topics: Swashbuckler, Arthouse, Period - 1700s.
Feat. Ryan O'Neal, Patrick Magee, Marisa Berenson
Aroview: Taking William Thackery's ironical novel as a starting point, dir. Kubrick's immaculate period piece sprawls across 18th century Europe and remains unmatched for evocative visuals and impeccable design, though some may find its languorous pace a long haul over three hours. Ryan O'Neal plays the unscrupulous title character who leaves Ireland in search of pleasure and fortune. Also stars Patrick Magee, Marisa Berenson.
Average rating (Exceptional). Showing 1-3 of 6 member reviews.
4 stars (Very Good) Possibly the most visually astounding film I have ever seen, the lavish attention to detail is the greatest asset of this film. It also boasts dramatic and entertaining moments however certain scenes are much more enjoyable than the film as a whole. ~dr.strangelove
5 stars (Exceptional) Visually impeccable. Brilliant direction and a great cast makes every second of its three hour run time a real treat. ~Wizzums
5 stars (Exceptional) Beautiful, beautiful costume drama. Near perfect transliteration of Thackery's novel. Unforgettable. See it on the big screen if you ever get the chance. ~Anon
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