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Roxy Cinema in Miramar.
USA 2008, 115 minutes
Dir. Ed Harris
Rating: [M]
Genres: Action/Adventure / Western
Topics: Period - 1800s.
Aroview: Enjoyable "old-school" Western directed by Ed Harris, who also stars as an incorrigible marshal who is hired along with deputy Viggo Mortensen to protect a small town from troublemaker Jeremy Irons and his brood of varmints.
Rene Zellweger adds the lone feminine touch to the traditional macho proceedings, her role to tame the moody middle-aged lawman. Too simplistic to be any kind of classic, but crafted with a keen eye for the good old bad old days, and sure to satiate those looking to stay home on the range for a gun-smoking, cow-poking feud.
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 3 member reviews.
3 stars (Good Enough) A slow-paced Western lacking in originality, direction, or significant plot. This has all the 'feel' of an old-school Western, but not enough oomph to really make it worth your while. ~Tom H
3 stars (Good Enough) Flat and forgettable. Mortensen, Harris and Irons are wasted. Not bad exactly, but not good enough to invest the time. ~Wizzums
2 stars (Good Try) Hard to understand why it doesn't have any life with the casting - film maker seems to have gone out of his way to achieve realism above entertainment but the characters are boring. Full marks though for set design and props ~Tubbs
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