aka: Oldboy
South Korea 2004, 120 minutes
Dir. Park Chan-Wook
In Korean with English subtitles
Rating: [R18]
Genres: Foreign Cinema, Cult, Suspense/Crime / Controversy, Gangsters
Feat. Min-sik Choi, Ji-tae Yoo
Aroview: Wowing audiences wherever it's played (including being nominated for the Palm D'Or at Cannes), this achingly intense thriller from Korea raises the bar of the "gangster revenge scenario" to bracing extremes.
The charismatic Min-sik Choi is somewhat legendary in the role as the man who is first confined in solitary for 15 years without explanation, then released as a pawn in an elaborate and sick game by his mysterious captor.
Directed with striking virtuosity, and perversely bent in all the right places, this contains at least two scenes that break cinematic ground (to Western eyes at least), while everything between announces itself as cinema on the cutting edge.
NZ International Film Festival 2004
Adopt-a-Movie Kindly Adopted by Simon Austen
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-3 of 3 member reviews.
5 stars (Exceptional) Both visually stunning and psychologically disturbing, this gangster thriller from the Korean master of his own genre never fails to impress on first or second viewing. ~Tom H
3 stars (Good Enough) Worth seeing for it's dazzlingly berserk first half: as frantic, funny, and exciting as anyone might tell you. But the rest rings ever hollower: a comic-book thriller with style and audacity but, for all its mad plot twists, no essential story. ~fairbrother
3 stars (Good Enough) No one told me this is a comedy! It's a little bit overhyped (where were all the twists?) but an enjoyable film nonetheless. ~Catapillar
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