Eddie Murphy
Director, Actor
Filmography (All Films)
48hrs (48 Hours) (1982)
- Dir. Walter Hill
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Annette O'Toole…
- Eddie Murphy excels in his film debut as a street–smart ex–con who teams up with veteran cop Nick Nolte to track down some bad…
Eddie Murphy - Delirious (1983)
- Feat. Eddie Murphy
- Classic stand–up with the proudly profane Eddie Murphy, before he was blanded out by the Hollywood machine.
Trading Places (1983)
- Dir. John Landis
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Don Ameche…
- A sturdy comic conceit – for a bet, two interfering millionaires swap the lives of a rich man (Dan Aykroyd) and a poor man (Eddie Murphy) – makes…
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
- Dir. Martin Brest
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold, Steven Berkoff
- Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley has never been funnier than in this winning combo of action and comedy.
Golden Child, The (1986)
- Dir. Michael Ritchie
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Charles Dance
- Hot off BEVERLY HILLS COP, Eddie Murphy plays a private detective specializing in missing children who is charged with finding a special child whom…
Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987)
- Dir. Tony Scott
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold, Brigitte Nielsen…
- Slick, though belated sequel to the action–comedy smash which launched Eddie Murphy to superstardom.
Eddie Murphy - Raw (1987)
- Feat. Eddie Murphy
- Eddie Murphy captured live and, er, raw. Something here to amuse and offend just about everyone – live from the Flet Forum, New York.
Coming to America (1988)
- Dir. John Landis
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, James Earl Jones
- Wacky Eddie Murphy classic in which an African Prince (Murphy) accompanied by his side–kick (Arsenio Hall) pilgrimage to America in search of…
Harlem Nights (1989)
- Dir. Eddie Murphy
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx…
- An excellent comic cast can't save this mismatched black American riff on THE GODFATHER series, set amid the 1930s jazz–club underworld of…
Another 48 Hours (1990)
- Dir. Walter Hill
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Brion James…
- Barely adequate sequel to the buddy–cop smash hit.