Good Will Hunting
Aroview: Toasted as the stars ascendant of New Hollywood, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck flaunt their writing/acting prowess in this affecting parable of how Robin Williams helps troubled-maths-genius Damon to cross-over from the wrong side of the tracks. Audiences were divided over whether the mega-hype delivered - it's no DEAD POET'S SOCIETY but hey, a class (Hollywood) act all the same.
Member Reviews
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(Good Enough). Showing 1-3 of 3 member reviews.
4 stars (Very Good) A well written, well acted and satisfying film ~Wizzums
3 stars (Good Enough) Good performances, but essentially about fairly pleasant people facing fairly surmountable obstacles. Not that that's a bad thing: if the dramatic arc was any steeper it'd be a Charlize Theron movie, and nobody, least of all this writer, wants that. ~HiFi
2 stars (Good Try) Goes out of its way to be boring which is a pity because there are a couple of good actors involved in Minnie Driver and Stellan Skarsgard. ~Tubbs
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